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Enjoying a wellbeing holiday in Ibiza is indeed possible given the wide range of plans and specialised establishments available across the island. If you’d like to pamper yourself and an extra dose of self-care, set some time aside to sign up for some of the following activities and suggestions. And go back home with your body and mind in harmony!

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If you like to lose track of time under the sea, you’ll want to hear about our selection of beaches to go snorkelling in Ibiza, with proposals for all levels, even the youngest in the family. Put on your mask, adjust the snorkel and enjoy!

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More and more travellers prefer to enjoy the joys of Ibiza in April and May, when the island is waking up and the pleasant temperatures are perfect for outdoor activities. If you’re coming over this spring, find out what to do in Ibiza in April and May!

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If you’re wondering if Ibiza in your 50s is a good idea, here’s your answer: Well of course! The most fun island in the Mediterranean is for all ages: whether you’re in your 20s and want to go clubbing or a kid who wants to spend all day long at the beach, and of course for visitors in their 40s and 50s seeking first-rate fun holidays.

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If you think you need to be under 30 to travel to Ibiza with girlfriends, you’re wrong. The White Island is one of the best destinations in the Mediterranean Sea to enjoy a few fabulous days with your girlfriends, whatever your age. Find out how with these ten amazing plans that you can add to your unforgettable getaway. How long since you last went on holiday together?

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Take note of the outdoor plans in Ibiza for two that you can enjoy right next to Hotel Ánfora. It’s not yet time to say goodbye to the summer. Many couples prefer to take their summer holidays in September, when most of the hubbub fades as most people go back to work. Why not do the same and if you haven’t yet booked a room, make the most of our special offer for September: 25% off and free cancellation up to 48 hours before the check-in date.

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07849 Santa Eulalia del Río


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(+34) 971 33 01 76

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