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Meet us: Diego's Ibiza

To continue with our new blog section devoted to our staff, here is an interview with Diego, one of our longest-serving employees at Hotel Ánfora. Diego has worked for a whole 39 years out of the nearly 50 years that our hotel has been open in the tourist village of Es Canar. He has always worked in the dining room, so he knows better than anyone what our customers need when they sit down for breakfast or dinner.


Diego: four decades of experiences at Hotel Ánfora.

- What do you like most of your job?

Being in contact with people, even if it is pretty hard. But after all these years, I’ve got plenty of experience...

- What do you think should be a waiter’s main skill?

Starting from the bottom rung and being humble enough to learn from more experienced people.

- What’s the funniest anecdote you’ve lived in all these years at Anfora hotel?

About 25 years ago, there was a power cut and an Irish woman came to the dining-room with her three-month-old baby. One of my colleagues asked if he could help her and then came to tell me that the woman needed hot water. As I’d already seen her with a baby in her arms, I assumed that she was asking for hot water to bathe her son, so I asked the cooks to heat up water in a 25 litre pot. When the water was ready, I went back to the dining-room, showed her the pot and, with a look of surprise, she said, “But I only wanted warm water for the baby’s bottle!” That was so embarrassing... I still laugh when I remember the misunderstanding.

recommendations ibiza diegoYou can see Diego in breakfast and dinner time. © Alex Rhodes / Hotel Anfora

- Have you ever had to improvise at dinner because of an unexpected crisis?

This summer, Vueling had to cancel a flight and sent us 18 passengers in one go that night. We had to improvise cold dinners so that the guests would find them in their rooms when they arrived from the airport.

- In the winter, what do you like to do?

I spend most of the winter in my home town, Iznájar, a pretty village in Cordoba.

Diego’s suggestions for Ibiza

- A beach

Cala Saladeta, Cala Boix, Cala Benirrás… It’s hard to choose one!

- Your favourite restaurant on the island

Sa Trenca in Cala Martina and Bahia in Santa Eulària des Riu.

- A typical Ibizan dish and where to eat it

Bullit de peix in Can Pujol and Sa Fonda in Cala Boix.

recommendations ibiza benirrasCala Benirras is one of the most popular beach in Ibiza. © Pixabay

- An evening stroll

The promenade in Santa Eulàlia or the old part of Ibiza.

- A must-see

The hippy street market of Es Canar, which is in fact right next to Hotel Ánfora.

- A traditional fiesta in Ibiza

The fiestas on the first Sunday in May.

Main picture: © Alex Rhodes / Hotel Anfora


Don’t you know Es Canar? Find out five reasons to choose it as your next holiday destination in Ibiza and know all the advantages of staying in our Hotel Anfora 4*.



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Carrer Cardona, 9, Es Canar
07849 Santa Eulalia del Río


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(+34) 971 33 01 76

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