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New investments to be your sustainable hotel in Ibiza.

This winter, Hotel Ánfora has renovated its solar panel system to extend it and allow a sustainable use of power. This is another step forward in our investments and measures taken to improve the environment. Find out what we do to be a sustainable hotel in Ibiza and to make your holidays on the island eco-friendly.

New in 2020: more energy self-sufficiency

Hotel Ánfora began its commitment to energy efficiency and sustainability in 2017, when we carried out the big renovations that turned our 2-star hotel into a modern 4-star hotel. Back then, we installed our first solar panel system to heat up the water used at the hotel. Three years later, we have extended the system to increase our own supply of renewable power for the air-con installation, the kitchens and lighting.

a sustainable hotel solar

This investment brings Hotel Ánfora closer still to its goals to keep improving as a sustainable hotel in Ibiza:

  • Integrate architectural and environmental requirements smoothly.
  • Reduce noise pollution.
  • Gradually reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.
  • Produce power without pollutant emissions.
  • Cut down at least 18% of the non-renewable power consumed.

Committed to sustainable mobility in Ibiza

Since our renovations in 2017, Hotel Ánfora has been clearly committed to sustainable mobility in Ibiza. This is why our guest car park includes two charging stations for electric vehicles. With this we aim to encourage travellers to hire electric or plug-in hybrid cars, which are now available at several car hire companies on the island.

a sustainable hotel charge© Paul Brennan / Pixabay

Your sustainable hotel in Ibiza: holidays without plastic

Early this year, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) launched its Global Tourism Plastics Initiative which urged holiday operators and destinations to become leading players in reducing plastic consumption. To do so, the UNWTO asks tourism organisations to agree to implement a series of actions by 2025 and Hotel Ánfora already started on them last year:

  • We have cut down on single-use plastics for many items, especially single-dose food and bottles of water. This is why our breakfast jams, chocolate spread and oil and vinegar bottles are all in glass containers.
  • Coffee pods will be made out of plant-based materials and we will no longer use the aluminium capsules.
  • We have replaced plastic straws and picnic packaging with those made with biodegradable plant-based materials.
  • We will eliminate printouts used by guests -such as the menu or information for guests in their rooms- and replace them with suite pads, i.e. tablets to check and book the services offered by the hotel.
  • We have banned plastic decorations for cocktails.

Given all our work towards greater sustainability, Hotel Ánfora has received the certificate Certificación Empresas Ibiza 2019 from Asociación Plastic Free. This certificate encourages us to keep on working to eliminate single-use plastics completely.

a sustainable hotel plasticThis summer coffee pods will be made out of plant-based materials and we will no longer use the aluminium capsules. © Alberto Paredes / Anfora Ibiza

Sustainability in cleaning services too

Hotel Ánfora is also working to gradually shift to eco-label cleaning products that are more eco-friendly as this is so important for our islands’ delicate environment. This action also entails refilling cleaners’ containers to avoid plastic waste. Apart from the products used to clean rooms we will also gradually change the soaps used for laundry and the kitchen conveyor dishwasher.

Towards the sustainability certificate

Just before the COVID-19 pandemic, Hotel Ánfora was applying for the ISO 14001 certificate for Environmental Management Systems (SGA) granted by AENOR. As the lockdown ordered by the government forced us to close our doors, we have had to postpone this application to 2021 and in the meantime, we will continue to work hard to offer our customers eco-friendly holidays in a sustainable hotel in Ibiza with 4-star service.

a sustainable hotel Ibiza materialsWelcome to our quiet and modern 4 stars hotel in Es Canar. © Alberto Paredes / Anfora Ibiza



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Carrer Cardona, 9, Es Canar
07849 Santa Eulalia del Río


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(+34) 971 33 01 76

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